Problem Solving
Our ability to properly handle the problems can lead to a life which is rich in success and low in stress, failure, or anxiety. However, there are some factors that have been found in people who are proficient with solving their problems. One of these factors is flexibility. Not placing barriers on yourself will give you a much wider range of possible solutions. The basic structure for problem solving can be broken down into four parts, and these are understanding the problem, creating a plan, utilizing the plan, and reviewing the plan. Understand these four parts will allow you to greatly improve your problem solving skills. It is first important to clearly understand the problem.
While the problem is not something you will want to focus on, it needs to be understood.The first thing you will want to do is study the main parts of the problem. The parts of a problem are basically broken down into two types, and these are "find" problems and "proof" problems.The "find" part of the problem requires you to get a collection of information, the "proof"phase of the problem requires you to make a hypothesis based on the data.
Once you have carefully looked at both parts of the problem, you will next want to devise a solution. Coming up with a solution requires you to study the "find" and "proof" portions of the problem. Once this information is clearly defined, you will want to begin approaching the problem for multiple entry points.You will also need to spend a bit of time studying the connection between information, unknowns, and conditions. Every problem that you are trying to solve will require you to have facts, not assumptions which aren't based on facts.Many people improperly solve problems because they don't use skills which are based on logic. Instead, they will try to solve a problem with emotion. Attempting to solve a problem with emotion almost always leads to failure. A problem should always be solved by logic. The solution that you come up with should be based on relevant facts.
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