Team Work
Teamwork introduces you to the basic theories of working in teams. In order to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be an effective team member, you explore and analyze the principles of good teamwork. This module presents not only the principles of good teamwork, but also the theories and concepts of highly effective problem solving in teams. The goal of any team is to succeed. In order to succeed, a team requires leadership, cooperation among members, and a common goal.
The ability to work as an effective team member is essential for anyone entering today's workforce. The ability to do a specific job is no longer the only aptitude that employers look for in potential employees. Instead, employers look more and more for individuals who have the ability to work effectively and productively with others.
Teamwork involves working confidently within a group, contributing your own ideas effectively, taking a share of the responsibility, being assertive - rather than passive or aggressive, accepting and learning from constructive criticism and giving positive, constructive feedback to others.
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